What we doComprehensive and accurate asset information is essential for accurate modelling of engineering solutions.

As well as providing accurate physical information, asset surveys can help modellers and engineers understand how their system works: showing how complex CSO chambers operate, evaluating pump performance and confirming complex connections in drainage systems. Accuracy is vital and our procedures, training and knowledge are in place to ensure our asset surveys provide exactly the right information.

Matthew Edwards
Project Manager - Water Quality
t: 01132 019700 | e: medwards@ietg.co.uk
Contact IETG

How we do it

Our planning team will contact key stakeholders (such as local Highways Authorities and Operations staff) to ensure any necessary access permissions or traffic permits/notices are obtained in good time and set appointments as necessary. This prevents delays on site and allows the surveyors to concentrate on surveying.

Missing or incorrect permits and permissions can stop the job

Our surveyors have extensive experience of asset data collection, such as manhole surveys, impermeable area surveys, pumping station surveys including drawdown tests. Safety and accuracy is ensured by our robust procedures. First-time accuracy is especially important when small surveys don’t offer the opportunity for repeat performance tests.

Right first time is vital when delays can cost

Data outputs are flexible and tailored to client requirements. Anything from CAD drawings and Infonet/MapInfo compatible data files, to pump ratings and basic copies of site data (while we’d discourage it for environmental reasons, we can even be persuaded to provide these on paper if it suits). All information passes through our Quality Control processes to ensure that what we submit to our clients has been checked and verified.

The product is the data, and that means accuracy is vital

Why choose IETG?What sets IETG apart?

We pride ourselves on being able to deliver a high quality service and meet clients’ delivery requirements without compromise by focusing on:-

  • Safety – Our culture is one of “We Will Work Safely or Not At All”: essential when our work is often on the highway, in confined spaces or next to watercourses.
  • Quality – Every project we deliver is subject to our rigorous Quality Control processes, which are managed by our experienced team.
  • Service – Our clients are allocated a dedicated Project Manager with proven industry experience. We pride ourselves on delivering one stop shop solutions and finding creative answers to the range of challenges projects undoubtedly throw up.
  • Value – By utilising the very latest technology, thorough planning and experienced teams, IETG provide the best solutions for all our clients needs.

Explore Our Solutions

Industry-leading surveying services, delivering the right data at the right time.