The AquaHawk Pro pumped kiosk is a remote outstation designed to take water quality samples in conjunction with a multi-parameter sonde. The kiosk can be used for water quality monitoring in rivers or final effluent monitoring in treatment works.
Samples of water are automatically pumped into a flowcell using a vacuum pumping system. A multi-parameter sonde will then take a reading of the water quality before finally returning the sample to the environment. Designed to operate with a variety of sonde manufacturers the AquaHawk Pro can transmit multiple data parameters.
The AquaHawk Pro was designed for flexibility and allows users to be able to site the kiosk out of flood zones with an optional power booster suction up to 20 meters from the sampling source. The AquaHawk Pro has been designed with minimal moving parts and requires very little maintenance and at the same time is capable of sending near real-time water quality data to our secure data platform or simply API data to third party platforms.