In October 2022 IETG were awarded a project by Southern Water, to carry out ‘in-sewer’ temperature logging. The aim of the project was to sample and record the sewer temperatures in key locations, to determine potential infiltration into the sewer network.
All water companies are assessing the effectiveness and benefit of relining and infiltration reduction plans. Most would like to see wetlands or treatment options rather than spending millions on tankering and/or sewer rehab.
Southern Water selected 24 important sites in which they will monitor the sewer flow temperatures over a period of 3 years, as part of a programme to seal everything including public sewers, private laterals, and manholes. The temperature sensors will be a way to measure the effectiveness of this sealing programme as well as target any future rehab. So in summary, these sensors will change asset management plans, WINEP and regulation in the future.